Ticket Prices and Policies

*For any issues or questions about tickets, please email the PAHB Box Office for assistance.
Dracula: A Feminist Revenge Fantasy, Really by Kate Hamill. Fall 2023. Photo by Kiirstn Pagan ’11.

Ticket Prices:

Tickets to any UMBC Theatre Department show may be purchased online or at the Box Office (cash or credit). The Box Office will be open 1 hour prior to the curtain on the day of the performance. We highly recommend purchasing online in order to ensure ticket availability. Tickets ordered online may be scanned directly off your device.

All ticket sales benefit the UMBC Department of Theatre Scholarship Fund.

Ticket holders must present the ticket at least 10 minutes prior to performance; all seats unclaimed at that time will be released for resale.

  • General Admission: $15
  • Seniors: $10
  • UMBC Students, Faculty, Staff and Alumni: $10
  • College Students (other than UMBC): $10
  • Prospective High School and Community College Students (and Teachers!): FREE
    • Email us for a comp code! We are happy to have you as a guest!
    • Interested in a more comprehensive visit when attending a show? Check out our Prospective Student Day events.
  • Children 12 and Under: $5

Please Note:

UMBC Theatre events are open for full participation by all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or any other protected category under applicable federal law, state law, and the University’s nondiscrimination policy.

Refunds and exchanges will be handled on a case by case basis.

UMBC is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and is dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of the university community. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors to campus are encouraged to wear a KN95 or equivalent mask that covers your nose and mouth in indoor public spaces. The performers will not be masked.

No beverages other than sealed bottled waters are allowed in PAHB venues. Food is not permitted.

Flash photography is not permitted.

Guests who arrive late for Proscenium Theatre shows will be seated in the balcony. Guests who leave in the middle of a performance will have to wait for an applause break to return to their seats.

There is no late seating for shows in the Black Box Theatre.

Parking is free in lot 8, directly across from the PAHB, on weekday evenings and weekends. For more information on campus parking please visit: https://parking.umbc.edu/

Ticket Policies:

Cast and Crew

Each person working on the currently running show, and who has their name listed in the program, receives 2 complimentary tickets for that show. These can be used for any performance of the currently running show. Instructions will be provided from the main office/production management on how to reserve these tickets closer to opening.

Theatre Majors/Minors

Each individual theatre major and minor who is not involved in the currently running show is entitled to 1 complimentary ticket per run of each show during the current season. Tickets can be claimed at tickets.umbc.edu. Please make sure you are signed in with your myUMBC ID, the free ticket should automatically populate to your account.

Free Performances for UMBC Students

We now offer two opportunities per production for current UMBC Students to see our shows for free. Limit 1 ticket per UMBC Student (with UMBC ID) per production. Seats will be distributed on a first come/first serve basis, and will become available at the top of the semester. Tickets can be claimed at tickets.umbc.edu. These tickets sell out fast, so we encourage you to plan accordingly!

A UMBC student who is a theatre major or who is working on the currently running show may not receive additional tickets for a matinee performance with their I.D.

More instructions on how to redeem complimentary student tickets, including the dates of the free performances, can be found here.

Special Groups

Any special complimentary tickets must be arranged through the Theatre Department Chair.

If you are hoping to bring a large group, please contact the Theatre Office.