Sign Out a Rehearsal Studio

Access to Rehearsal Studios are based upon registration for selected classes. If you are not in one of the approved classes to use to the space, you will not be able to access the room. Consult the instructor in your Acting class to see if you are an approved user of these spaces. BEFORE using the space it is expected that you have read and understood the General Room Use Policy posted below.

Rehearsal Studio Room Use Policy

Faculty and current UMBC Theatre students may use studio spaces for their research/creative work according to the procedures and guidelines outlined in the General Room Use Policy below, in addition to the studio-specific policy posted in the space near the door. The studios are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, as available to authorized students for course related rehearsals only.

Booking a Rehearsal Studio

Studios are signed out via their Booking Page. All authorized members of a class should receive swipe access to the room at the top of the semester. If, for any reason, you do not have swipe access to a Rehearsal Studio and you are in an approved class to use the space, please consult the instructor of your class. 

See the Booking Pages for each Studio below: 

Once on the Booking Page, you will be able to select a Rehearsal Slot from the dates and times that are available. Once you’ve selected a Rehearsal Slot, you will be asked to supply your name, email address (please use your UMBC email address), phone number, and names of the people who will be using the space with you (collaborators). If you are using the space alone, just say “No Collaborators”. Once you book the appointment, you should receive a confirmation email. If you have any questions about the booking process, please contact Tessara Morgan Farley at

If you wish to cancel a booked appointment: delete the event from your personal calendar so it appears in the studio’s calendar as cancelled, and then please contact Tessara Morgan Farley at so she can make the slot available to others.

General Room Use Policy

  • If there is an emergency (health or safety):
    1. Call Campus Police at 410-455-5555
    2. Email Gregg Schraven at and Tessara Morgan Farley at to inform them of the emergency.
  • The Studio Spaces will be used for research and creative work only. The Studios are not to be used as hang out spaces.
  • The Studio Spaces are closed to students after 11:00 pm
  • Except when classes are in session in the fall and spring, the doors will be locked at all times. Please bring your ID/Campus Card with you at all times so you can let yourself back in.
  • Do not prop open the doors.
  • Unless you’ve been trained, you may not use or touch the AV equipment in the studio.
  • If you use anything on wheels, lock the wheels.
  • The theatre lighting instrument configuration may not be altered in any way.
  • No food or drink except water in a sealed container.
  • Do not place anything in the windowsills as it will block the shades.
  • Do not remove any furniture (blocks, mats, chairs, doors, etc.) from the room.
  • Do not drag furniture across the floor.
  • Do not use department production rehearsal items or remove them from the room/closet.
  • Keep the room clean and remove all trash when you leave.
  • Fold and put away mats on the carts under the sign on the wall.
  • Stack all blocks on the carts under the sign on the wall.
  • Stack all chairs on the chair rack.
  • There are brooms in the closet if you need to sweep the floor.
  • Turn off lights and A/V equipment when you leave.
  • Close and lock all doors when you leave (including rear doors).
  • No props, furniture, paperwork, or other items may be stored in studio spaces, except with permission from Tessara Morgan Farley.
  • Personal items will be disposed of if left in the room.
  • If you have any doubts as to whether you should do something with/to the room or its contents, ask the Room Custodian, Tessara Morgan Farley, first.
  • Please contact Tessara Morgan Farley with any non-emergency problems at This could include issues with room temperature, an issue with the AV or lighting systems, or if something is broken..