Students interested in multiple areas of theatre practice develop an array of skills in both technical production and performance through this dynamic, flexible track. Those pursuing the Theatre, BA; Theatre Studies Track produce traditional theatre and devise new works by serving as directors, dramaturges, designers, performers and playwrights in an ensemble-based training. The track provides a rigorous course of study in technical production with training on state of the art scenic, audio and lighting equipment. The degree is ideally suited for the double-major wishing to combine this BA in creative practice with other undergraduate studies, such as the Arts Entrepreneurship Minor.
Theatre, BA: Theatre Studies – 50 Credits
Required courses in this degree program are listed below. For course descriptions, please visit the online UMBC Undergraduate Catalog.
Theatre, BA Core: (39 Credits)
- THTR 100 Stagecraft (3)
- THTR 104 Costume Construction (3)
- THTR 110 Intro to Acting OR THTR 220 Craft of Acting (3)
- THTR 115 Theatre Design I (3)
- THTR 120 Intro to Theatre: Theory & Production (3)
- THTR 202 Intro to Drama Literature (3)
- THTR 261 Theatre Production: Running Crew (2)
- THTR 262 Theatre Production: Light & Sound (3)
- THTR 263 Theatre Production: Costumes OR THTR 264 Theatre Production: Scenery (1)
- THTR 305 Ensemble I (3)
- THTR 310 History of Theatre (3)
- THTR 344 Script Analysis (3)
- THTR 411 Modern Theatre: History & Practice (3)
- THTR 460 Theatre Capstone (3)
Theatre Studies Track Requirements: (11 Credits)
- THTR 405 Ensemble II (3)
- Executive Series “E”
- One of the following:
- THTR 350 Directing I (4)
- THTR 353 Stage Management (3)
- THTR 371 Playwriting (3)
- One of the following:
- Literature Series “L”
- One of the following:
- THTR 349 Gender, Sex & Theatre Performance (3)
- THTR 410 Contemporary Political Theatre (3)
- THTR 470 Drama Seminar (3)
- One of the following:
- Suggested Elective:
- DANC 110 Beginning Dance PE (2)
Production/Performance Requirement: Credits (2 – 6)
As part of their final four semesters, all students in the BA Concentration in Theatre Studies must complete two semesters of production/performance coursework. These may be fulfilled with any of the following:
- THTR 339 Advanced Production Techniques
- THTR 390 Theatre in Production
- THTR 439 Advanced Design Techniques
- THTR 490 Production Workshop